Broccoli with Gnocchi and Pesto
A quick and easy family meal which is cheap and nutritious and gets some veggies in to the children using broccoli in a different way.INGREDIENTS
1 x medium-large crown of broccoli (approx 500 - 750gm)
1 x 500g pack of gnocchi (available in chill cabinets in all supermarkets)
Half a jar of green pesto
2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive oil (or Wold Gold rapeseed oil)
Generous grating of parmesan
Freshly milled black pepper
Break the brocolli up into small florets and place in a steamer over a pan of boiling water. Leave to steam until the brocolli is very soft and can easily be mashed. Put the gnocchi into the boiling water and follow the cooking instructions (when the gnocchi rises to the surface of the water, it is ready). Drain the gnocchi (keeping a cup full of the cooking water) and add the olive oil and stir ensuring the gnocchi do not stick to each other. Mash the brocolli with a potato masher and add the pesto and a little of the reserved cooking water so you have a thick sauce which will coat the gnocchi. Serve with a generous sprinkle of parmesan and freshly milled black pepper to taste. Delicious
Preparation time - 5 minutes
Cooking time - 10 minutes
Serves 4 people
Cost per portion (approx) 75 pence!
NOTES: It is important to steam the brocolli so you keep more of the nutrients in the food. Don't boil it!